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Tanya Robinson

Tanya Robinson


Arcadia, Monrovia



Language Arts, English, Visual and Perfoming Arts



Shakespeare Seminar: A Year with the Bard (Language Arts/English, Visual and Performing Arts) - Arcadia - Grades 9-12th

World Literature (Language Arts/English) - Monrovia - Grades 9-12th

Classic Literature at Excellence in Education (Language Arts/English) - Monrovia - Grades 9-12th


Before becoming a parent, I received my B.A. and Teaching Credential in English and taught in a private high school. While there, I taught all four grade levels, ranging from basic English classes to specialized literature courses. The book For the Children’s Sake by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay introduced me to Charlotte Mason’s philosophies and I incorporated many of her methods into our homeschooling. My family enjoyed learning alongside each other throughout our homeschooling years. I loved being able to spend time with my children, watching their eyes light up when they understood a concept. I educated my children at home for all of their school years (K-graduation) and now that my children are in college and/or their careers, I am excited to use my experiences to help other students develop their skills.


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